Serverless Concurrency Controlling

Ways of concurrency controlling in serverless archihtecture

AWS Secrets Manager

Storing secrets, retrieving and rotation scheduling

AWS S3 presigning

Sharing objects using presignied URLs

AWS Cognito

User pool and client configuration

AWS SAM Lambda Rust

AWS SAM Lambda setup for Rust custom runtime

AWS SAM Lambda

AWS SAM Lambda configuration and deployment

AWS SAM Basics

AWS SAM basics, configuration and deployment

Sam Cli Linux

Installing SAM cli on linux (NO Homebrew)

Data Store Concepts

Data store concepts & terminology

Aws Billing Alarm

Cloudformation configured billing alarms

Aws Cloudformation Sqs Lambda Trigger

Simple example template for sqs lambda trigger

Aws Cloudformation S3 Lambda Trigger

Simple example template for s3 lambda trigger

Aws Cloudformation Embedded Python Lambda

Cloudformation stack with embedded python lambda

Aws Cloudformation IAM User

Simple example of IAM user creation via Cloudformation